Friday, May 19, 2006


WSJ: Murtha Discusses Military Findings Of Iraq Incident + Knight Ridder: Pentagon report said to find killing of Iraqi civilians deliberate


Murtha Discusses Military Findings Of Iraq Incident

Pennsylvania Congressman
Says Inquiry Into Deaths
Shows Higher Civilian Toll
May 18, 2006; Page A4

WASHINGTON -- A top Democratic lawmaker on defense matters said a military inquiry found that more Iraqi civilians were killed than previously reported in a bloody incident last November involving U.S. Marines in Haditha.

"It's much worse than reported," said Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha, a critic of the war, but also a Marine combat veteran with close ties to the Marine command. While early reports estimated 15 civilians were killed, Mr. Murtha said the military now believes the number was 24 and that "our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them, and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood."

[John Murtha]

"They actually went into the houses and killed women and children," Mr. Murtha said. "It's a very serious incident unfortunately and it shows the tremendous pressure these guys are under every day when they're out in combat and the stress and the consequences."

The Marines announced last month that three officers were relieved of command after the battalion involved in the Nov. 19 incident in Haditha ended its tour of Iraq and returned to the U.S. Those relieved included both the commander of the rifle company involved in the events under investigation and his direct superior. Neither of the two was willing to comment Wednesday, according to a Marine Corps spokesman at their base, Camp Pendleton, in Southern California.

Lt. Col. Sean Gibson, spokesman for the Marine Corps Forces at Central Command in Tampa, Fla., said the officers were relieved for "a series of things that took place during their tour in Iraq" but he wouldn't say whether the alleged killing of civilians was one of the reasons the officers were relieved of duty. Nor would he say whether Mr. Murtha's description of the investigators' findings was accurate.

"There is an ongoing investigation, therefore any comment at this time would be inappropriate and could undermine the investigatory and possible legal process," he said in a statement. "As soon as the facts are known and decisions on future actions are made, we will make that information available to the public to the fullest extent allowable."

A spokesman for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service also refused to comment on its part in the inquiry.

Mr. Murtha had traveled in the Haditha area last summer. After Time magazine published a detailed article in March challenging the initial military account of the incident, prompting an investigation, Mr. Murtha sought out top Marine commanders. He has spoken privately before of his concerns about the alleged killings, but Wednesday was the first time he had discussed the matter so openly.

The occasion was a news conference more generally on the course of the war in Iraq, six months after Mr. Murtha had called for U.S. withdrawal. He first alluded to the alleged killings, which occurred two days after he introduced his resolution calling for withdrawal. And then when questioned by a reporter, he went into more detail.

"I kept hearing reports from Marines who had come out of the field that something like this had happened," he said. The investigation since, he said, has contradicted an early Marine communiqué that 15 civilians had been killed by an explosives blast, that also cost the life of a Marine in the same unit.

"There was no fire fight. There was no explosion that killed the civilians in a bus. There was no bus. There was no shrapnel. There were only bullet holes inside the houses where the Marines had gone in."

He said he hasn't seen a final investigative report, but he appeared to be prodding the Marine command to acknowledge the incident more openly. "This is going to be a very bad thing for the United States," he said. "I don't make excuses for them," he said of the Marines involved. "I'm just understanding what their problem is."

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Pentagon report said to find killing of Iraqi civilians deliberate

Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON - A Pentagon report on an incident in Haditha, Iraq, where U.S. Marines shot and killed more than a dozen Iraqi civilians last November will show that those killings were deliberate and worse than initially reported, a Pennsylvania congressman said Wednesday.

"There was no firefight. There was no IED (improvised explosive device) that killed those innocent people," Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., said during a news conference on Iraq. "Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them. And they killed innocent civilians in cold blood. That is what the report is going to tell."

Murtha's comments were the first on-the-record remarks by a U.S. official characterizing the findings of military investigators looking into the Nov. 19 incident. Murtha, the ranking Democrat on the Defense Appropriations subcommittee and an opponent of Bush administration policy in Iraq, said he hadn't read the report but had learned about its findings from military commanders and other sources.

Military public affairs officers said the investigation isn't completed and declined to provide further information. "There is an ongoing investigation," said Lt. Col. Sean Gibson, a Marine spokesman at Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Fla. "Any comment at this time would be inappropriate."

Both Gibson and Pentagon spokeswoman Cheryl Irwin said that the military has yet to decide what, if any action, might be taken against Marines involved in the incident.

"It would be premature to judge any individual or unit until the investigation is complete," Irwin said. Said Gibson, "No charges have been made as we have to go through the entire investigatory process and determine whether or not that is a course of action."

Three Marine commanders whose troops were involved in the incident were relieved of duty in April, but the Marines didn't link their dismissals to the incident, saying only that Gen. Richard Natonski, commander of 1st Marine Division, had lost confidence in the officers' ability to command. Gibson reiterated that point Wednesday. "It's important to remember that the officers were relieved by the commanding general of 1st Marine Division as a result of events that took place throughout their tour of duty in Iraq," he said.

The dismissed officers were Lt. Col. Jeffrey R. Chessani, commander of 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, and two of his company commanders, Capt. James S. Kimber and Capt. Lucas M. McConnell. Gibson said all three have been assigned to staff jobs with the 1st Division.

U.S. military authorities in Iraq initially reported that one Marine and 15 Iraqi civilians traveling in a bus were killed by a roadside bomb in the western Iraq insurgent stronghold of Haditha. They said eight insurgents were killed in an ensuing firefight.

But Lt. Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, the ground commander of coalition forces in Iraq, ordered an investigation on Feb. 14 after a reporter with Time magazine told military authorities of allegations that the Marines had killed innocent civilians.

After CNN broke the news of the initial investigation in March, military officials told Knight Ridder that the civilians were killed not in the initial blast but were apparently caught in the crossfire of a subsequent gun battle as 12 to 15 Marines fought insurgents from house to house over the next five hours. At that time, military officials told Knight Ridder that four of the civilians killed were women and five were children.

Subsequent reporting from Haditha by Time and Knight Ridder revealed a still different account of events, with survivors describing Marines breaking down the door of a house and indiscriminately shooting the building's occupants.

Twenty-three people were killed in the incident, relatives of the dead told Knight Ridder.

The uncle of one survivor, a 13-year-old girl, told Knight Ridder that the girl had watched the Marines open fire on her family and that she had held her 5-year-old brother in her arms as he died. The girl shook visibly as her uncle relayed her account, too traumatized to recount what happened herself.

"I understand the investigation shows that in fact there was no firefight, there was no explosion that killed the civilians on a bus," Murtha said. "There was no bus. There was no shrapnel. There was only bullet holes inside the house where the Marines had gone in. So it's a very serious incident, unfortunately. It shows the tremendous pressure these guys are under every day when they're out in combat and the stress and consequences."

Murtha, who retired as a colonel after 37 years in the Marine Corps, said nothing indicates that the Iraqis killed in the incident were at fault.

"One man was killed with an IED," Murtha said, referring to a Marine killed by the roadside bomb. "And after that, they actually went into the houses and killed women and children."

Knight Ridder Newspapers correspondent Steven Thomma contributed to this report.


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