Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Be an Election Protection Volunteer
Your Vote Matters Updates <updates@yourvotematters.workingassets.com> wrote:
Election Protection Training
September 18, 2-5 p.m.
Columbia Law School
435 W 116th St.
New York City
RSVP now: www.ElectionProtectionVolunteer.org/NYC
Dear friends,
For months we've been hearing from concerned members and friends who want to volunteer where they are needed most on Election Day. At the same time, leaders in the civil rights community have been warning that unless tens of thousands of volunteers stand up and protect voting rights, minority voters will once again face disenfranchisement at the polls due to illegal disqualification, intimidation, and faulty voting machines.
Many of us at Working Assets have pledged to travel to key states with our friends and families to help protect voting rights as volunteer poll monitors. We hope you will join us.
At a special training on September 18 at Columbia Law School in New York City, you can find out how to become an Election Protection Volunteer.
People For the American Way Foundation, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, IMPACT 2004, National Black Law Students Association, Working Assets, Mother Jones magazine, True Majority, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities and others invite you to learn about opportunities to help protect voting rights in key states on November 2. Lawyers and law students are especially needed and will receive training specific to their skill sets. All participants in this training will receive an update on efforts to prevent minority disenfranchisement and intimidation at the polls, challenges posed by computer voting systems and an overview of the key states where voting rights are at greatest risk.
Please RSVP online at www.ElectionProtectionVolunteer.org/NYC.
After a one-hour program, participants will attend outdoor training sessions in small groups led by top civil rights organizations. Specialized training will be provided for lawyers and law students. Bring your family and friends. No commitment required, just a devotion to democracy and a dedication to a fair and free election.
Michael Kieschnick
President, Working Assets
p.s. If you're looking for a Labor Day weekend diversion, please check out this benefit for independent media produced by our friends at Mother Jones magazine:The State of the UnionSaturday, September 4
8:00 p.m. @ New York City's Town Hall
43rd Street between Broadway and Avenue of the Americas
Mother Jones presents "The State of the Union" starring Janeane Garofalo, Will Durst, Eugene Mirman, Ward Sutton, Lizz Winstead and friends! This evening of uncensored political comedy will benefit uncensored, uncompromising independent media. Great seats still available.
Buy tickets now: www.mojocomedy.com
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If you have any comments or questions about volunteering or training please email electionprotection@pfaw.org. If you have technical questions about ElectionProtectionVolunteer.org, email electionprotection@workingassets.com.
To read our Election Protection Volunteer privacy policy, click here: http://www.workingforchange.com/electionprotection/index.cfm?itemid=17365![]()